Ride on the Sheriff’s Ride
Saturday September 6th 2025
The annual perambulation of the boundary of the old City and County of Lichfield, each September, in accordance with the 1553 Charter from Queen Mary
The ride timings below are provisional as the route is subject to change depending on the available access to farmland and weather conditions. The final route and timings will be confirmed later but we do have a provisional route map here which we will update.
The route is subject to road closure orders with the assistance of traffic management company. We will have lead and support vehicles including Vet & Ambulance as well as a Farrier on call. Some farmland may, however, be inaccessible to these vehicles but they will keep up with us by road.
There will also be a cycle ride running concurrently with this equestrian event and we will be organising points (e.g. at the refreshment stops) where the two rides can coincide. Horses and cyclists will not, however, be mixing along the route. The final arrival into the city will be in combination with the cyclists with at least one support vehicle between horses and cyclists for safety.
This year the Sheriff’s Ride will begin at Stowe Fields. Please arrive at 9am. https://what3words.com/couches.mutual.over where there is parking for horseboxes. Please be ready at 9:45am. After a small group of horses will go into the City Centre to be ready for the 10:00 am official start of the ride - we will be leaving via the Cathedral Close to begin the annual perambulation of the City & County of Lichfield.
The morning does involve a fair amount of roadwork and in order to minimise our time on the main roads we will generally be trotting. Once we access farmland and country lanes we will have more variability in pace and will have controlled canters across some of the farmland.
At approximately 11:15 we will have a short stop. Last year this was at Bod Lichfield, Streethay (toilets) https://what3words.com/exists.plots.often (to be confirmed for 2025) and then we will move on to Freeford Manor arriving around 12:00.
We intend to have a 45 minute stop at Freeford Manor for refreshment. Toilets will be available. Horseboxes or other support vehicles can access via https://what3words.com/wires.chin.gladiators
We will be leaving Freeford at approximately 12:45pm and riding across farmland, trackways and some roads to Pipe Hall for another refreshment stop (toilets) after which we will move on to Maple Hayes Hall for the last canter.
The ride will then combine with the cyclists to form a procession into the City Centre with a ceremonial arrival via the Cathedral Close around 4:30pm in order to maximise our visibility to the public and then to finally return to Stowe Field at about 5pm
The entry fee will be £50 for the ride (approximately 18 miles & including the ceremonial arrival into the city centre)
If you are interested in taking part and supporting this historic event - please follow the link below
Terms & Conditions (including Ride Rules)
The terms and conditions may have to be changed as we organise the ride. You will be informed of any such changes. All Riders must abide by these terms and conditions.
1. Riders participate at their own risk and each rider is responsible for themselves and their horse. Stallions are not permitted on this ride.
2. Horse welfare is paramount. Your horse must be up to date with its annual vaccination, such as equine flu.
Should there be any sign of injury, blood, or distress to the horse then the Chief Marshal must be informed. The Chief Marshal will consult with the attending vet to check what action needs to be taken or if the rider must remove the horse from the Ride. The decision made by the Chief Marshal and vet is final. Bicycles must be in good order.
3. All horse riders must be competent riders and aged 12 years and above. Riders are required to have public liability insurance against any claims that may be made against you and/or your accompanying child. Horse riders under the age of 16 must be able to ride independently because lead reins are NOT PERMITTED. They must be accompanied by a riding adult over the age of 18. The riding adult aged over 18 may only be responsible for the maximum of one rider under the age of 16 years
4 Entrance to prize draws or raffles is only applicable to those 16 years old or older.
5. It is important that horse riders arrive to give themselves plenty of time to tack up and be mounted, in readiness for the start of the Sheriff’s Ride. All riders must arrive on site before 9.00am and we ask that you be mounted no later than 9:45am, ready for the Lead Marshal to call the start of the Ride, those not mounted and ready to go, may not be able to join the Ride and will forfeit any fees paid. Late arrival to the parking area may result in being refused access and will forfeit any fees paid.
6. Your ride number will be given to you as you arrive at the parking area. You will not be permitted to take part in the Sheriff’s Ride without your number, which must always be visible. Please note that your number does not reflect your position in the ride.
7. The Sheriff’s Ride is over 470 years old, you and your horse’s appearance is important. A high standard of appearance is necessary i.e. hunting or show dress. Your and your horse’s appearance is important. An immaculate look is most desirable, so clean tack, clean boots, clean horse, smart mane & tail, plaited or otherwise. Please see sections below regarding safety.
8. Behaviour
Always be polite, always consider other riders and cyclists. Horse riders are expected to stay in their riding block; for safety of all concerned when passing within the block make a request to do so and do so at a walk and/or trot only.
Abide by the ride rules and follow the instructions given by the mounted Marshals and be in control of your horse or retire from the ride.
All Marshals are volunteers, paying the same entry fee as everybody else. Marshals are appointed to assist in the smooth running of the Sheriff Ride. Riders must always obey their instructions. Horse Marshals can be identified by yellow bib.
9. The Lead Marshal is the pacemaker on the ride and should not be overtaken unless authorised to do so.
10. The route taken by the Lead Marshal is the only route you should take.
11. Horse riders are requested to always keep in pairs when the ride is on a public highway.
12. It is the responsibility of each rider to ensure that their horse is safe in the company of other horses and on the public highway, riders should be competent and able to control the horse which they are riding. For horses this applies to walk, trot and fast canter.
13. You will be riding as part of a large group in close proximity which will place additional demands on your riding skills, horses should be prepared and educated to always ensure a reasonable standard of behaviour and be under control.
14. Any rider or horse considered by the Marshals to be a danger to other riders will be instructed to leave the ride.
15. If a rider requires emergency assistant a Marshal should help. In the absence of a Marshal a single rider is permitted to find one, all other riders should carry on unless halted by the Lead Marshal.
16. You should plan for an emergency contact, who can attend to collect you and your horse in the event of difficulties, to be available throughout the duration of the event.
17. If a rider must leave the ride, it may be quicker to return by road. If returning through fields always remember to close the gate.
18. Any horse riders leaving the ride at any point will not be covered by the ride insurance and will not be allowed to rejoin the ride.
19. For all horse riders, a hard hat to current British standard or equivalent and riding boots are compulsory. Body protectors may be worn but are not a requirement. In inclement weather, appropriate clothing may be added. This is a ceremonial event, and a high standard of appearance is necessary, the rider number must always be visible. Please note the number does not reflect your position in the ride.
20. Horses must be ridden in a recognised form of bridle with a bit. Draw reins and other kinds of special reins are not allowed. A correctly fitted saddle must be used, it is the rider's responsibility to ensure that all tack is safe, and the horse is always under control.
21. Stallions and Tail ribbons
Stallions are not permitted on this Ride.
Red ribbons for horses that kick - we ask all horses with red ribbons remain at the back of the ride
Green ribbons for novice horses or riders and if this is your first time participating in the Sheriff’s Ride.
22. Long dressage or schooling whips are not permitted. Any whips must be carried (and used) in a way which does not affect nearby horses or riders.
23. For the horse element of the event first aiders will be in attendance. In the event of a fall or injury, riders are required to be assessed by medic. You may continue with the ride if the medic considers you to be fit to do so. Anyone who refuses medical assistance and continues to ride does so at their own risk. Anyone who suffers a fall or injury must report to a Marshal at the end of the ride to fill out an accident form.
24. Only official vehicles may accompany the ride
25. No horses are to be left unattended at any time or tied to trailers or horse boxes.
26. The terms and conditions may have to be changed as we organise the ride, you will be informed of any changes when your registration is accepted.
26a. It may be necessary on the day of the Ride for the Chief Marshal and/or the Clerk of the Course to make amendments to the route or timing of the Sheriff’s Ride, we will communicate this through our Marshals where possible.
28. This is not a race. Do not treat it as such.
29. GDPR
a) We will keep data for two years to inform you about next year's events
b) Details of emergency contact will be retained from registration until after the Ride has been completed and will be provided to any attending emergency service as well as an attending Ride Marshal who are liaising with them on your behalf.
Please note that this traditional event will take place regardless of the weather but in the interest of safety during adverse conditions the organisers may change the published route.